Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Remove Temptation

How do we stop spending and thinking about spending?

The answer is a little know fact: remove temptation.

Oh, you already knew that? Then how come we watch TV and see ads all the time. We surf the internet and have ads all over the pages. We get emails tempting us to buy almost everything at a discount.

I have taken a bold step. I have "unsubscribed" to almost all the cool deals that used to be delivered to my inbox daily: ebates, groupon, livingsocial, daily swirl, Kohls, Ralph Lauren, Macy's, Nordstroms, Neiman Marcus, Kodak, Replacements, Williamsburg Marketplace, and much more.

When you want to resist temptation, you need to replace the tempting thing with another, more satisfying pleasure. So I made a list of those things that I will do instead of internet browsing and just musing on what would be fun to buy if I ever had enough money.

Here's my list: lengthen my Bible Study time or even have more than one a day, create meal plans and prepare food, watch some Food prep DVD's I own, work on my book, write and shop for publishers and/or literary agents, and write my blogs.

This is more than enough. But in case I need more, I can exercise more than once a day, I can just hang out with my husband, and I can nap.

What's on your replacement list?

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