Friday, February 3, 2012

How to Stop Being Lazy and Save $1000

What's money got to do with laziness?

You get home from work, are hungry and don't want to fix dinner. So you order out instead of cooking. Lazy!
You rip a seam or lose a button and so you go to a tailor or seamstress for help. Why not go to a store, buy a button or some needle and thread and fix it yourself? Lazy!
You are tired of your clothes and can't figure out how to mix and match and create new outfits of what you have. so you go shopping. Why don't you ask a friend to help you rethink what you have? Because you are lazy!
You are bored and don't have a book to read so you buy some online. What about the library or borrowing your firend's books? Lazy!
You are bored and so you go to the movies at night, pay premium prices and buy junk food to boot. Why not use Netflix or borrow flicks from the library or friends? Because you are l_ _ _!
You are not organized to pack a lunch so you buy it almost everyday. Why? Because you are_ _ _ _!

I figure that if you reframed your thinking about these bad habits, you would save more than $100 per week, some weeks. That could be $1000 a year.

Want to give yourself a raise? Stop being lazy and cook, sew, rethink, borrow and stop before you spend another dime!