Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The "What's Important" Test

I'll bet you think you know what's important in your life. Tell me: family, friends, relationships, God, meaning, stuff like that.
Now look around your house. Count how many piles of stuff you have in each room, in each closet? Now look in your clothes closet and guess how much stuff you have that you never wear? Count the shoes, coats, tops, jeans, and accessories, including hats. 20%? 50%? 80%?
Now take a tour of your food cupboards. How much food do you have stacked that you haven't used in the last 3 months? 3 years?
Let's go into the attic or basement. What's there? Christmas decorations gathering dust? Boxes of photographs wai ting to be sorted, put into albums, discarded, given away?
Look now into your address book. Perhaps it's online. How many friends, family members and business colleagues have you kept up with recently, in the last 3 to 6 months?
When you do the math, how do you rate? Are the relationships taking your time or is the acquiring of stuff taking your time? Be honest.
So if your test results reveal that your stuff takes more of your time than your relationships, it's time to makeover your life. There is a big discrepancy between what you think your priorities are and what they actually are.
"Dis" the stuff and interact with the people in your life. You will feel more fulfilled, happier, more useful and amazingly, your closets may start to get emptier, as you clear the clutter from your life.

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