Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Save Money When Traveling

Here's a tip from Anabel. When traveling, save money on meals by not eating in restaurants. Go to grocery stores with eat in facilities, like Whole Foods. Everyone can get what they want; compared to a restaurant, prices are lower and there is no tip to pay.

Or take a tip from frugal consultants who stay in hotels with the evening "Manager's Specials". If you eat whatever is put in front of you, you will be satisfied with the meals and the free drinks from 5-7 PM. That way you can eat and pocket the per diem.

If you are fussy about what you eat, go the the grocery store or get take out from local restaurants and eat in your hotel room, to at least save the tips.

Always eat the breakfast provided because even the fussiest eater can have fruit and oatmeal. Look for the whole grain muffins or bagels and take one with the small package of peanut butter, to have for lunch. You've now given yourself a raise. If the per diem is, say $75 per day, and you eat all your meals in food that is provided, you've just added to your take home pay, because per diems are not taxed.

Now this requires discipline, but take the per diem and stow it in a special savings account, along with any bonuses you receive and other unexpected income. Now you have savings that will build.

Extra money is extra money. If you put it in your regular checking or savings account, it will be swallowed up with the other money you have and you will feel like you can never get ahead.

On travel, if you can use the corporate credit card, you won't affect your cash flow, if your reimbursement doesn't come on time. If you can cover expenses before you receive your reimbursements, take advantage of your frequent flier credit card and earn points on everything you buy. Free trips for miles earned this way make great free vacations. 

If you think this money is peanuts, think again. Little money adds up to big money. Twenty per diems at the $75 rate equal $1500. If I were to give you a check for $1500 next year, would you take it? Of course you would. This savings tip just has you give the check to yourself. Say thank you all the way to the bank and start saving for bigger dreams.

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